I’ve been vegan for 14 years now and I’ll be first to tell you, becoming vegan did not come easily to me. I’d dread social events because I didn’t know if there would be anything I could eat at a particular restaurant. I was anxious on work trips because I didn’t know what the catered lunches would be.
After a lot of trial and error, nutrition courses, and the discovery of resources that made my life infinitely easier–I finally figured it out. And now I’m here to tell you–it absolutely does not need to be hard. Integrating a vegan diet into my life has become so easy that I don’t even notice it anymore.
I created this course because I’m always running into people telling me “oh I was vegan for a few weeks, and then I stopped because it was too hard.”
You can thrive and enjoy eating a vegan diet. You just need to figure out how. In this program I demystify exactly how to do it. I give you all the shortcuts, tools, apps, resources, and tips I’ve learned that have helped myself and the countless other people that I’ve passed this along to.
There is no reason to suffer or have trouble following a vegan diet, it’s just a skill (like anything else in life)! Give me a few hours, complete the program, and let me prove to you that you can master this skill. I have faith in you that you will.
A quick heads up about what this program is not:
I will not pressure you into eating a vegan diet. You have your own reasons for being here. If you want to only eat vegan every other Monday, you do you. My course can give you the skills so you can eat a vegan diet as much as you are comfortable. I’m also not going to discuss animal cruelty. If you’re looking for that type of motivation I kindly refer you to the PETA website.
Thank you for being here, I’m honored to help you!